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Buckinghamshire County Council

Question: Nothing will ever be done if the councillors don\'t step in. Students with low incomes pay adult fare while going to school or college. Why do we have to pay adult fare if we are not even 18? What are you guys doing on this subject?

Asked by qamari93 to Marion, Niknam, Steve on 14 Oct 2010 in Categories: .

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  • Photo: Marion ClaytonMarion Clayton answered on 14 Oct 2010:

    This was something that the Youth Parliament raised with the County Council Cabinet some time ago, and our transport team negotiated a deal with the bus companies to give students a reduced fare. I need to check to see whether this still operates and, if so, perhaps the County Council needs to get the information out to students through schools and colleges and through the bus companies.



  • Photo: qamari93qamari93 commented on 14 Oct 2010:

    thank you very much, that would be great.
