Me and my Work: I’m a councillor in Bucks, political advisor in London, ex-graphic and web designer and I have responsibility for youth and education services.
Status: Gutted I can't be at the Tory conference, but watching BBC online/Twitter avidly...
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There is no lights around where I live. It\’s hard for people to come home from the station at nights and the walk is
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how old are you (1 comments)
Me and my Work: Hi I look forward to what challenges are going to come way as a County Councillor, District Councillor and Parish Councillor, during the course of the day.
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There is no lights around where I live. It\’s hard for people to come home from the station at nights and the walk is
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will the roads in my area ever be repaired follwing the potholes due to bad weathers (1 comments)
Me and my Work: I am member of the opposition group so my major focus is holding the administration to account especially on Education issues where I am the groups Shadow Spokesman.
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There is no lights around where I live. It\’s hard for people to come home from the station at nights and the walk is
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where did you study and what type of education do you have (1 comments)
Me and my Work: I am a Frontline Councillor – and until May I was Cabinet Member for Children Services.
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Psychologically it is proved that young people in care are mentally broke down because of less of trust. Why can we not
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Rich towns are lived by rich people and they can afford to visit anywhere they want (especially for fun & enjoyment). (1 comments)
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