Questions in category 'About you and being a councillor'
- I am disabled is it possible for disabled people to be counaillors by gjayne to Marion Category: About. Comments: (No comments so far)
- what do you do as a councillor by enza187 and 3 others. to Ruth, Marion, Niknam, Steve Category: About. Comments: (so far, 2 comments)
- what in one of you is better by laurenandmegan to Marion, Niknam, Ruth, Steve Category: About. Comments: (Comments Off on what in one of you is better)
- can you tell me another joke please? by gashman123 to Ruth Category: About. Comments: (No comments so far)
- can you help me with my homework ? by gashman123 to Marion, Niknam, Ruth, Steve Category: About. Comments: (Comments Off on can you help me with my homework ?)
- You say you have horses i have one aswell, what type of horses do you have? by hannahliiz to Ruth Category: About. Comments: (No comments so far)
- Where can i find you if i need help with my problems? by georgesmum to Ruth Category: About. Comments: (No comments so far)
- have you had a baby? by ass123 to Ruth Category: About. Comments: (No comments so far)
- are you gay by dave and 1 other. to Ruth, Niknam Category: About. Comments: (Comments Off on are you gay)
- do you like my joke? god made a new rule that when you go to heaven you have to have a bad day, one guy arrives at by gashman123 to Marion, Niknam, Ruth, Steve Category: About. Comments: (So far, one comment)
Recent Comments
- Tell us what you want! (1 comments)
- Psychologically it is proved that young people in care are mentally broke down because of less of trust. Why can we not (1 comments)
- What are your opinions about students and young people who are in care system? Do you have any idea how many of them do (1 comments)
- Nothing will ever be done if the councillors don\'t step in. Students with low incomes pay adult fare while going to (1 comments)
- Hello, what happend if people that are not 18 yet drink alchol? And what does the county does to let that less happend? (1 comments)
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