Has it ever been difficult to be a councilor and having to help people with problems where they live by nibie786 to Marion Category: About. Comments: (No comments so far)
I think we should try to save your planet ang start to use horse and carrage again by elizabethhounslow to Marion Category: Transport. Comments: (No comments so far)
are park neeed to be cleaned like all of the rubbish and also it would be nice if we hada art wall in the park so by lyd234 to Marion Category: Local Facilities. Comments: (No comments so far)
I am disabled is it possible for disabled people to be counaillors by gjayne to Marion Category: About. Comments: (No comments so far)
How can YOU make things better ? by hannahliiz to Marion, Niknam, Ruth, Steve Category: General. Comments: (Comments Off on How can YOU make things better ?)
I have a friend of a friend who has alcholic issues and my friend is starting to get worried because she doesnt want by shneluda to Marion, Niknam, Ruth, Steve Category: General. Comments: (Comments Off on I have a friend of a friend who has alcholic issues and my friend is starting to get worried because she doesnt want)
Hello, My name is George and i have been wondering how you help people with special needs with learning. by grichardson1999 to , Steve, Ruth, Niknam, Marion Category: Youth issues. Comments: (Comments Off on Hello, My name is George and i have been wondering how you help people with special needs with learning.)
is it hard dealing with crime and anti- social behaviour by kms7 and 3 others. to Marion, Niknam, Ruth, Steve Category: Crime. Comments: (Comments Off on is it hard dealing with crime and anti- social behaviour)
what do you do as a councillor by enza187 and 3 others. to Ruth, Marion, Niknam, Steve Category: About. Comments: (so far, 2 comments)
can we have a concrete skatepark or a new skatepark in chesham? our ones are falling apart! by nathanbuckle to Marion, Niknam, Ruth, Steve Category: Local Facilities. Comments: (Comments Off on can we have a concrete skatepark or a new skatepark in chesham? our ones are falling apart!)
Recent Comments
- Tell us what you want! (1 comments)
- Psychologically it is proved that young people in care are mentally broke down because of less of trust. Why can we not (1 comments)
- What are your opinions about students and young people who are in care system? Do you have any idea how many of them do (1 comments)
- Nothing will ever be done if the councillors don\'t step in. Students with low incomes pay adult fare while going to (1 comments)
- Hello, what happend if people that are not 18 yet drink alchol? And what does the county does to let that less happend? (1 comments)
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