how can you improve our local facilities by ssjref to Marion, Niknam, Ruth, Steve Category: Local Facilities. Comments: (So far, one comment)
What would you do to make more things to do for teens in chesham ? by hannahliiz to Marion, Niknam, Ruth, Steve Category: Youth issues. Comments: (Comments Off on What would you do to make more things to do for teens in chesham ?)
why is there no McDonalds in Chesham? by ssjref to Steve, Niknam, Marion Category: Local Facilities. Comments: (So far, one comment)
what in one of you is better by laurenandmegan to Marion, Niknam, Ruth, Steve Category: About. Comments: (Comments Off on what in one of you is better)
can you tell me another joke please? by gashman123 to Ruth Category: About. Comments: (No comments so far)
how are you going to improve our education by ssjref to Marion, Niknam, Ruth, Steve Category: Education. Comments: (Comments Off on how are you going to improve our education)
what challenges can you see in the futer? by chocolate to Ruth Category: General. Comments: (No comments so far)
why don’t we have a longer summer vacation? by rinzy to Ruth Category: General. Comments: (No comments so far)
do you think there are enough special school in the county. by katiesmith to Ruth Category: Education. Comments: (No comments so far)
will the roads in my area ever be repaired follwing the potholes due to bad weathers by george16 to Ruth Category: General. Comments: (so far, 2 comments)
Recent Comments
- Tell us what you want! (1 comments)
- Psychologically it is proved that young people in care are mentally broke down because of less of trust. Why can we not (1 comments)
- What are your opinions about students and young people who are in care system? Do you have any idea how many of them do (1 comments)
- Nothing will ever be done if the councillors don\'t step in. Students with low incomes pay adult fare while going to (1 comments)
- Hello, what happend if people that are not 18 yet drink alchol? And what does the county does to let that less happend? (1 comments)
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