I think you would have to ask my colleagues and the residents in my Division that question. I try my hardest, and if I’m honest, I don’t think I’ve done too bad a job so far.
I do try very hard to listen and take on board every comment, if something is stopped in my ward that has a huge demand for it I will fight for the reinstatement of it, as I did with rural buses
I think you would have to ask my colleagues and the residents in my Division that question. I try my hardest, and if I’m honest, I don’t think I’ve done too bad a job so far.
You will have to ask my voters and residents. I hope I give my best and try to help best I can.
That’s for you to judge…
I do try very hard to listen and take on board every comment, if something is stopped in my ward that has a huge demand for it I will fight for the reinstatement of it, as I did with rural buses