Question: So do you enjoy being a councillor?
Asked by rossi to Steve, Marion, Niknam, Ruth on 5 Oct 2010 in Categories: About. This question was also asked by courtneey, gashman123, littleandlarge.
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Love it, even the difficult bits. And the difficult bits are getting more difficult, like trying to do more for people when the Council has less and less money. We have to make some very tough decisions, and I love the challenge of trying to get the right outcome.
Like any role there are times when it is very enjoyable – when you get to actually help somebody or change policy in small way to the benefit of residents – and times when it s, lets just say less enjoyable – endless meetings seping to mind.
Yes, it’s a huge privilege and always giving me something new and different to do. Of course, it’s most satisfying when you are actually able to change something or make somebody’s life a little bit better.
Yes I love it. I like to help people from many different walks of life with many different problems, listening to the youth is where you learn about the future.