In general, we have a very good education provision in Bucks, but we are quite honest that the gap between those who achieve well and those who don’t is too wide, and that is not acceptable. To try to put that right, we focus money and expertise on those schools and even those individual children who are not achieving as well as we know they can. This is especially important when there isn’t a lot of money available. There are a lot of excellent things going on in our schools, and schools are being encouraged to work together to share their effective ways of teaching and learning. Excellent education depends to a large extent on excellent teaching, and it is important that senior leaders in every school settle for nothing less. It also depends on the support of parents, which I know cannot always be the case, and support for those students who don’t have that parental support is vital. Of course, students also need to play their part, for instance in terms of good behaviour, attendance and the ambition to do well. It sounds as if you have that ambition – well done.
I try very hard to ensure that the Council keeps all children’s futures in their minds when they think of anything to do with education. I believe passionately in education and striving to improve it for all children. How is more difficult from the opposition benches as we are not directly involved in policy formulation but we do try affect polices by questioning and challenging.
By working with government, schools, teachers, parents and young people to ensure that you have the best facilities we can afford, that your teachers are well trained and well supported, that your headteacher has the right flexibility and powers, that pupils with special needs are supported appropriately and that the council is geared up to support schools when they need help.
But the real change, the real power is with you. School is a huge opportunity for you to give yourself a platform to change your own life and the power is in your hands to make the most of it.
First by listening to what is needed then to work out if the needs are greater than the demands. How would you like to see improvements within your school, is what you are asking for unreasonable? do you have a good case to put forward? R
In general, we have a very good education provision in Bucks, but we are quite honest that the gap between those who achieve well and those who don’t is too wide, and that is not acceptable. To try to put that right, we focus money and expertise on those schools and even those individual children who are not achieving as well as we know they can. This is especially important when there isn’t a lot of money available. There are a lot of excellent things going on in our schools, and schools are being encouraged to work together to share their effective ways of teaching and learning. Excellent education depends to a large extent on excellent teaching, and it is important that senior leaders in every school settle for nothing less. It also depends on the support of parents, which I know cannot always be the case, and support for those students who don’t have that parental support is vital. Of course, students also need to play their part, for instance in terms of good behaviour, attendance and the ambition to do well. It sounds as if you have that ambition – well done.
I try very hard to ensure that the Council keeps all children’s futures in their minds when they think of anything to do with education. I believe passionately in education and striving to improve it for all children. How is more difficult from the opposition benches as we are not directly involved in policy formulation but we do try affect polices by questioning and challenging.
By working with government, schools, teachers, parents and young people to ensure that you have the best facilities we can afford, that your teachers are well trained and well supported, that your headteacher has the right flexibility and powers, that pupils with special needs are supported appropriately and that the council is geared up to support schools when they need help.
But the real change, the real power is with you. School is a huge opportunity for you to give yourself a platform to change your own life and the power is in your hands to make the most of it.
First by listening to what is needed then to work out if the needs are greater than the demands. How would you like to see improvements within your school, is what you are asking for unreasonable? do you have a good case to put forward? R