Question: What would you do to make more things to do for teens in chesham ?
Asked by hannahliiz to Marion, Niknam, Ruth, Steve on 6 Oct 2010 in Categories: Youth issues.
copyright and produced by gallomanor communications ltd 2025
Asked by hannahliiz to Marion, Niknam, Ruth, Steve on 6 Oct 2010 in Categories: Youth issues.
copyright and produced by gallomanor communications ltd 2025
Chesham is a large town and has quite a lot going on, as youth grow up in the area new ideas come forward, it is up to the youth to present new ideas and work with agencies, Parish Councils and Town councils to make your area safer, and more involved with the youth. R
The first thing to do is to find out from young people what is already available, what works and what is missing. Once the gaps have been identified, it’s a question of prioritising – what matters most to you – and then working with everyone who can help us make it happen.