Question: I think we should try to save your planet ang start to use horse and carrage again
Asked by elizabethhounslow to Marion on 7 Oct 2010 in Categories: Transport.
copyright and produced by gallomanor communications ltd 2025
Asked by elizabethhounslow to Marion on 7 Oct 2010 in Categories: Transport.
copyright and produced by gallomanor communications ltd 2025
What a brilliant idea! It would be wonderful to slow down and enjoy a gentler pace of life. Unfortunately, not everyone would think in the same way, and that would lead to some real problems. We all need to be thinking about how we live and what we do and try to find ways to minimise the effect we have on the planet. Young people have a very important part to play in this – you can educate your parents and older people by setting a good example. Actions speak louder than words.