Question: What will you do for the schools ?
Asked by hannahliiz to Marion, Niknam, Ruth, Steve on 12 Oct 2010 in Categories: Education. This question was also asked by gashman123.
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Listen help where I can and make a difference. We do have excellent schools in Bucks compared to other areas, do some research. R
I will and presently work very hard to make sure that the County Council does all it can to enable every child in Buckinghamshire reach their potential. You only get one chance at an education so it is up to us to make sure it is the best it can be.
The County Council is really proud of the schools we have in Buckinghamshire. We will continue to work with them and support them in whatever way we can, with advice and expertise, and challenge them to provide the very best education for all students. We will also continue to encourage schools to share what they do well with other schools, so that the excellence there is in our schools benefits more children. One other thing we will go on doing is to look at national education policies and make sure that we get the best out of any opportunities they offer. Education is constantly changing, and we need to make sure we keep up with the very best.
I will try and ensure that schools have the best facilities we can afford, the freedoms and flexibilities they need to perform, that young people are leaving school having had the best education we can offer and that silly bureaucracy doesn’t stand in the way of teachers, parents and pupils making decisions which are best for them.
I’ll fail sometimes and other times I will succeed, but I’m going to try very hard…