Question: Rich towns are lived by rich people and they can afford to visit anywhere they want (especially for fun & enjoyment). But in most deprived areas, there is nothing at all for youth to do, which then creates crime and anti-social behaviour as we say. Poor people can't afford to tavel further everyday to keep their children safe and happy. Why is there nothing done so far for communities safety in places like Chesham and so on?
Asked by qamari93 to Marion, Niknam, Ruth, Steve on 13 Oct 2010 in Categories: Crime.
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I think you should approach your local member and ask them this question. Mohammad Bhatti or Noel Brown look them up on the web. Ruth
That’s a pretty sweeping statement. Local councils, schools, police and other organisations do a lot to keep all communities as safe as possible. Have you tried to find out what is being done and how you and your friends could help? I would suggest starting with the Town Council and your school. Ask what is being done; perhaps your school could arrange for the local policeman or support officer to come along to talk to an assembly. I’m sure they would be pleased to see that you are interested. I also talked to your local County Councillor when I bumped into him yesterday, because I have seen a number of comments about the lack of things for young people to do. He tells me there is a lot going on for young people in Chesham. Perhaps we need to look at how we let young people know about what is available. I’ll have another chat with him to see what we can do, or perhaps you would like to email him direct. His contact details are on the BCC website and his name is Noel Brown.
I don’t agree, to be honest. I grew up in Chesham and spent my life in the park/leisure centre/football club/rugby club. If I look around Chesham there is more than one youth club, the sea cadets, tennis, swimming and sports facilities, a number of parks with skate ramps, and plenty of green areas for playing football.
The council definitely has a role in providing a level of access to some leisure facilities, and over the years it has got better and better at this. But this doesn’t mean it is responsible for ensuring you always have something to do …
There is a great disparity between the deprived areas and shall we say the “better off ” areas. All the authorities have to work hard to try to make sure deprived areas improve and give opportunities to the residents.
There are policies and actions that authorities have been doing and I know, should be doing more in providing facilities and making sure deprived areas are improving. Most importantly the Council should always make sure it’s policies and actions are not detrimental to people who have so little already. I and fellow councillors try to ensure that we question and scrutinise the council to ensure this happens. My views on certain Council policies are well known.
At the same time I do believe strongly that residents have to make their voices heard and work, firstly to get together and secondly to improve themselves and their communities.
At the end of the day, most councillors do try and work hard to do their best for their communities but communities and residents have to make their voice heard and take positive actions. If you feel that your area is not getting a fair shake, you have to ask why and talk to your local councillor, and your local authority responsible and if you are not happy make sure they know about it.
Councillors are only councillors because they were voted in.
One of the questions I have been asked is why I became a councillor? One of the reasons is I passionately believe that everyone has to make an effort to engage and try to get the best for their family, neighbours and community.
Of course it isn’t easy and takes effort and you won’t always be happy with the answers but I can assure you it will make a difference.