Question: What are your opinions about students and young people who are in care system? Do you have any idea how many of them do well in their studies? If not than why and what can be done to offer them better education? They dont have even enough money and the social workers just play hide and seek with them? When are these problem gona demolish?
Asked by qamari93 to Marion, Niknam, Steve on 14 Oct 2010 in Categories: Education.
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Young people in care have obviously gone through some sort of traumatic event in their lives, or they wouldn’t be in care. All County Councillors have a role as “corporate parents” to young people in their care, and we all have a part to play in making sure they get the opportunities to achieve as well as they are able to. We have regular reports on the achievements of young people in care, and most are doing very well – way above the disgracefully low targets set by the previous government. I’m not sure what you mean by social workers playing hide and seek. Clearly it’s important that young people in care and their carers get the support they need, and I believe our social workers do an excellent job in providing that support. If you feel differently, we have a group of young people in care who meet regularly with councillors to look at the services they receive – it’s called We Do Care, and young people are currently working to develop it’s website, which will be on the Children and Young People’s Trust bit of the County Council website in a couple of months’ time. That would give you a way of raising your concerns through a representative on the group.