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Buckinghamshire County Council

Question: is it legal for our headteacher to hit us with his shoe? :(

Asked by ass123 to Marion, Niknam, Ruth, Steve on 9 Oct 2010 in Categories: .

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  • Photo: Steve AdamsSteve Adams answered on 5 Oct 2010:

    I suspect that this is a joke …


  • Photo: Ruth Vigor-HedderlyRuth Vigor-Hedderly answered on 5 Oct 2010:

    Why would you headteacher want to hit you with his shoe? Talk to him………… violence really gets you no where.


  • Photo: Marion ClaytonMarion Clayton answered on 9 Oct 2010:

    Ouch! If a teacher is driven to such drastic measures, I have to ask what the students were doing to prompt it. If this is a serious question, you should discuss it with a form tutor.

